Dentists and other Dental Care Professionals in Torrance CA

DentalCare6 is your most comprehensive directory of dentists and other dental-care professionals in Torrance CA. DentalCare6 provides detailed information, including personal overview, history of education and training, specialities, practice locations and more, of 75 dental care providers.

List of Dentists and other Dental Care Professionals in Torrance CA

The list contains 75 dentist(s) and dental care provider(s)
  1. Ling, Shen

    30+ years of experience
    Specialty: Periodontics
    23440 Hawthorne Blvd Ste 110
  2. Liou, Estelle H

    30+ years of experience
    Specialty: Pediatric Dentistry
    23520 Crenshaw Blvd
  3. Lobo-marwah, Erin C

    15+ years of experience
    Specialty: General Dentistry
    3640 Lomita Blvd Ste 202
  4. Lu, Jeffrey Y

    18+ years of experience
    Specialty: General Dentistry
    4201 Torrance Blvd Ste 420
  5. Lund, Robert H

    48+ years of experience
    Specialty: Endodontics
    25357 Crenshaw Blvd
  6. Machhadani, Aiham

    25+ years of experience
    Specialty: Endodontics
    1730 Sepulveda Blvd Ste 1
  7. Malekzadeh, Reza

    30+ years of experience
    Specialty: Periodontics
    4201 Torrance Blvd Ste 460
  8. Nasibi, Pooyan

    11+ years of experience
    Specialty: Pediatric Dentistry
    21229 Hawthorne Blvd Ste A
  9. Nguyen, Richard

    12+ years of experience
    Specialty: General Dentistry
    3440 Lomita Blvd Ste 340
  10. Nguyen, Vinh-thy H

    24+ years of experience
    Specialty: Endodontics
    2740 Pacific Coast Hwy

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