Dentists and other Dental Care Professionals in Fontana CA

DentalCare6 is your most comprehensive directory of dentists and other dental-care professionals in Fontana CA. DentalCare6 provides detailed information, including personal overview, history of education and training, specialities, practice locations and more, of 41 dental care providers.

List of Dentists and other Dental Care Professionals in Fontana CA

The list contains 41 dentist(s) and dental care provider(s)
  1. Abul-fielat, Mohammad G

    34+ years of experience
    Specialty: Pediatric Dentistry
    16946 Marygold Ave Ste 101
  2. Aminpour, Babak

    27+ years of experience
    Specialty: Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery
    16475 Sierra Lakes Pkwy Ste 140
  3. Banez, Feliza H

    33+ years of experience
    Specialty: General Dentistry
    9193 Sierra Ave Ste D
  4. Barr, Pedrum

    11+ years of experience
    Specialty: Orthodontics
    10144 Sierra Ave
  5. Cambero, Luis R

    29+ years of experience
    Specialty: General Dentistry
    8312 Juniper Ave
  6. Chang, Tzu-fei F

    10+ years of experience
    Specialty: General Dentistry
    10144 Sierra Ave
  7. Deyo, Laura T

    15+ years of experience
    Specialty: Orthodontics
    10144 Sierra Ave
  8. Ford, Helen E

    34+ years of experience
    Specialty: General Dentistry
    10144 Sierra Ave
  9. Fulford, Raelene F

    Specialty: Pediatric Dentistry
    14305 Baseline Ave
  10. Garcia, Gabriela E

    26+ years of experience
    Specialty: Orthodontics
    14305 Baseline Ave

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