Dentists and other Dental Care Professionals in San Dimas CA

DentalCare6 is your most comprehensive directory of dentists and other dental-care professionals in San Dimas CA. DentalCare6 provides detailed information, including personal overview, history of education and training, specialities, practice locations and more, of 9 dental care providers.

List of Dentists and other Dental Care Professionals in San Dimas CA

The list contains 9 dentist(s) and dental care provider(s)
  1. Bagheri, Moji M

    15+ years of experience
    Specialty: Endodontics
    923 W Arrow Hwy
  2. Batniji, Raaed S

    17+ years of experience
    Specialty: Endodontics
    1111 W Covina Blvd Ste 130
  3. Hoyt, Raymond E

    40+ years of experience
    Specialty: General Dentistry
    380 S San Dimas Ave Ste 200
  4. Marteney, Steve M

    40+ years of experience
    Specialty: General Dentistry
    319 N San Dimas Ave Ste D
  5. Ricks Jr, Kenneth G

    11+ years of experience
    Specialty: Orthodontics
    923 W Arrow Hwy
  6. Seyedein, Farshad

    13+ years of experience
    Specialty: General Dentistry
    923 W Arrow Hwy
  7. Shouhed, Jonathan

    11+ years of experience
    Specialty: Orthodontics
    923 W Arrow Hwy
  8. Thomas, Adriana N

    47+ years of experience
    Specialty: General Dentistry
    1120 Via Verde
  9. Yashar, Natasha

    19+ years of experience
    Specialty: Periodontics
    923 W Arrow Hwy

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